Upgrade to Repetico PRO

  • Repetico PRO does not extend automatically.
  • If you want to continue using Repetico PRO after your purchased period ended, you have to purchase a new period.
  • If you buy a new period of Repetico PRO when your old period did not yet expire, the new period's months just add-up onto the end of the former period.
  • If your Repetico PRO period ends and your account is switched back to Repetico FREE, your cardsets remain available to you and are of course not deleted.
→ Have a look at our plan for teachers!


Repetico FREE

Repetico PRO

Create flashcards by yourself or in a team

Unlimited creativity in creating cardsets, including LaTeX-formulas

Intelligent spaced repetition of flashcards

Buy quality-tested flashcards in the Repetico store and study them

Synchronization of flashcards and learning stats on all your devices: Web, iPhone, iPad, Android

Unlimited inviting for collaborativ creating of cardsets


Creating your own flashcard sets


Maximum of cardsets in schedule at the same time


Number of cards per self-created cardset

Up to 200 cards
Up to 2000 cards

Storage space for uploaded pictures

up to 50 MB per month
up to 1024 MB per month

Export of self-created cardsets

Per cardset
Download a complete ZIP with just one click

Create multiple choice questions

Create tagged cards

Reminder mail with individual time management

Study target date for each cardset with reminder notification and study suggestion

Detailed learning statistics


Individual study schedule settings for each cardset

No advertisements from third parties


Basic features

Create flashcards by yourself or in a team

Unlimited creativity in creating cardsets, including LaTeX-formulas

Intelligent spaced repetition of flashcards

Buy quality-tested flashcards in the Repetico store and study them

Synchronization of flashcards and learning stats on all your devices: Web, iPhone, iPad, Android

Unlimited inviting for collaborativ creating of cardsets


PRO features

Unlimited creating of own cardsets instead of only two

Bis zu 2000 Karten pro selbst erstelltem Kartensatz statt nur 200

Create multiple choice questions

Reminder mail with individual time management

Detailed learning statistics

No advertisements from third parties

Upgrade now to Repetico PRO: