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You can use Repetico with your PC, with your mobile phone or even with your tablet.
With these links you can download the Repetico app:
- Android:
- iOS:
Repetico also allows you to use the full functionality of the website also on your smartphone or tablet with an adapted design for smaller screens. Simply open the browser on your smartphone
Yes, you can use Repetico on multiple devices.
Yes, a full database backup is created daily.
You can create a desktop icon by dragging the web link (e.g., from the bar to your desktop.
Without Internet connection, you can learn with the Repetico app but not create or edit card sets.
Yes, the learning statistics and index cards / records will be synced, as long as you sign up with the same account and have an existing internet connection. In the app, you can also bring the sync by dragging the home screen manually, should the synchronization not take place automatically.