Study flashcards using Repetico

Repetico is a learning platform which enables you to:

                            • Create flashcards online
                            • Query flashcards online and offline in our apps
                            • Repeat the cards in scientifically tested intervals
                            • Work alone or cooperatively on flashcards
If you can type faster than you can write, Repetico is a really useful tool for studying!
Fig.1: Studying using Repetico

Create flashcards by yourself or with friends

After registering for free, you can start creating your flashcards. What makes Repetico special is the possibility to create flashcards together with your friends or co-learners, discuss about contents and correct each other. A rights management system enables you to set who is allowed to view or edit the cards.

Fig.2: A study group in a cardset (we made the usernames unreadable)


Paper flashcards vs. Repetico

 Paper flashcardsOnline flashcard system Repetico
Structuring the cardsLimited possibilites - for instance, note the chapter on the card.
Keep a comprehensive overview at any time - even with lots of cards:
  • Each cardset can be structured by categories
  • Each card can belong to several categories at once
  • Cardsets can be put into folders
Various study modes6-box-flashcard-system
Different study modes can be combined with different query orders, so you can always find the learning method which suits you best:
  • Automatic long term mode: Each day an amount of cards is calculated for you.
  • Only not-known cards
  • All cards
  • All favorites
  • ...
RepetitionManuallyAutomatic repetition in fixed and growing intervals (based on scientific methods)
Check your progressYou can see how much each box is filled.
Detailed statistics about your current knowledge state:
  • Daily statistics
  • Overall statistics (for all cards)
  • For each cardset
Revising flashcardsPaper cards can be used up to a limited amount of content.The cards can be edited with lots of formatting possibilities. For each card there is a editing history!
Find flashcardsIf you have thousands of cards, it can take some time till you found what you are looking for.Find cards instantly using the integrated search function.
Multimedia studyingLimited possibilities.Insert images, audio files (multiple per card) and even Youtube videos.
Exchange cardsCopy or lend.Share your cards with friends. Use a rights management.
Import existing contentEach card has to be created manually.Import from Excel files. Export and import in a specific JSON format.